Well …

Maple is adopted! The lovely Liz, who came to visit her last Saturday, met me at the vet clinic and took her home. Yay! I’m so glad the timid girl didn’t have to go to the scary store. (I later got a message that Liz was crying with happiness when Maple purred for her!)

Birch is a girl again! 🙂 I said it’s not 100% until the vet says. Hee.

I cried when I dropped them all off at the store. I didn’t think I would but I lost it when I got back in the car. At least the kittens were already playing when I left. Poor Oprah still looked a little rough from her surgery but was starting to come around. Fortunately one of our most experienced adoption counsellors/store coordinators had taken on the responsibility for this new store. I can rest easy knowing he’s in charge.

To console me, when I got home and picked her up, Cedar started purring!!!!! The first time any of them have for me. My sweet girl. She’s clearly missing the rest of the family but is happy to turn to me for attention. We had a nice snuggle and lots of play.


About Adventures in Cat Fostering

I am a cat fosterer for Toronto Cat Rescue. I also have cats of my own, Jonesy, the black and white, and Murphy, the brown tabby, are in the photo. Little Blue was a foster kitten I kept. All were adopted from Toronto Cat Rescue.
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7 Responses to Well …

  1. So happy for Maple! I can’t even imagine how hard it must be to drop off the ones you’ve raised and cared for. At least you know they are in good hands. (And too funny about Birch.)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. tarnegolita says:

    That must have been hard, dropping them all of… Hope they will all find great homes!! So now you have only one of the kittens still with you?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Deziz World says:

    Dat’s pawsum!!! We’s happy da kitties are all doin’ good and purray they all get good homes.

    Luv ya’


    Liked by 1 person

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