Jonesy’s so mean

I got a couple of these pom-pom toys at the bowlathon.


Pom-poms strung on a string which runs through a heavy duty straw as a handle.

I don’t like any of the cats/kittens to play with string toys unsupervised. But somehow Jonesy found one and was playing with it. It disappeared, which concerned me, but I found it a little later:

IMG_5184A little bashed up, in my bed. So I cut off the string and just gave them the pom-poms. A HUGE hit. Jonesy loves ’em, always has. Even Casey and Ethan could carry them in their mouths. Too fast to get a photo of course. But then this happened:

IMG_5197Accident or on purpose?

IMG_5201He watched Baloo (?) try and reach it for about 10 minutes. Then he walked away.

IMG_5199 I eventually pushed it under the door for her.

About Adventures in Cat Fostering

I am a cat fosterer for Toronto Cat Rescue. I also have cats of my own, Jonesy, the black and white, and Murphy, the brown tabby, are in the photo. Little Blue was a foster kitten I kept. All were adopted from Toronto Cat Rescue.
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2 Responses to Jonesy’s so mean

  1. Aww, that’s cute. And mean.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Connie says:

    that is too funny

    Liked by 1 person

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